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Youth Boys Apr 10, 2020

Club Champions League finalizing modified schedule targeting play in June and July

The Club Champions League (CCL) has provided an update to membership, announcing that it is finalizing a modified schedule which would run into June and July.

As the league continues to monitor the guidelines of federal, state and local governments during the COVID-19 pandemic, CCL Executive Director Brian Kuk stated in the update that “CCL will be ready to adapt and provide future competition at a moment’s notice.”

While current plans will aim to resume competition in June, that could be moved earlier if conditions allow. See below for the full update to CCL members:

Official League Statement COVID19

Dear CCL Family,

During this unprecedented time, we hope you, your family, and loved ones are safe and healthy.

On behalf of the CCL, its Board of Directors, and full-time staff we want to express to all players, coaches, referees, families, and club membership that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

Following the recent guidance provided by US Youth Soccer – which asks leagues and clubs to develop return to play timeframes based on their local situations – the CCL is finalizing a modified league schedule targeting play in June and July that can be adjusted earlier if current restrictions are lifted. Please know that the CCL will be ready to adapt and provide future competition at a moment’s notice.

As one of the few leagues that has member clubs in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia, we are bound by the decisions of three different state Governors and the Federal Government. As of today, Maryland has a stay-at-home Executive Order and will reassess later this month.  Virginia has a stay-at-home Executive Order set until June 10 and all schools are closed for the academic year.  West Virginia has a stay-at-home Executive Order until the end of the month and schools/park facilities are closed until further notice. The Federal Government has set social/physical distancing for the foreseeable future until COVID-19 dissipates. We are all hopeful that local, state, and Federal Governments will lift these Executive Orders and restrictions sooner rather than later.

Considering all this information, we must keep our eye on the short-term (now-next 2 months), medium-term (next 3-6 months), and long-term (next year). The CCL must do what is right for the players, coaches, referees, families, and club membership by keeping them safe and healthy, yet provide them optimism that we will get through this difficult time.

More information will come out when it comes available.

In the meantime, thank you for your understanding, keep washing your hands, keep to the social/physical distancing, and keep practicing on your own, so that we can all get back on the field soon to enjoy the beautiful game!

Brian Kuk
Executive Director
Club Champions League, Inc.

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