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US Club Oct 07, 2020

US Club Soccer awards 10 clubs with Players First licensing

Ten clubs have been awarded Players First licensing by US Club Soccer after completing a rigorous application process. These inductees join more than 100 clubs across 29 states in US Club Soccer’s Players First community.

Players First licensing is led by a robust application, in which clubs prove their commitment to Players First, its philosophy and the five pillars: Club Development, Coaching Development, Player Development, Parent Engagement & Education and Player Health & Safety.

When clubs apply, they’re extensively reviewed by US Club Soccer. Then, they’re either approved in the same term of which they applied, or their applications remain open for up to six months to allow them to meet any additional requirements necessary for licensing. About one-third of all approved clubs have been accepted after their initial evaluations required them to raise standards.

Congratulations to these newly licensed Players First clubs:

The Players First community is diverse, featuring variations of club infrastructure, levels of national prominence and extending to suburbs, cities and rural areas alike. All these clubs share at least one commonality: the Players First philosophy.

This is youth soccer’s “Good Housekeeping Seal” and all Players First-licensed clubs stand out locally and nationally as improving the club soccer experience.

“We believe this to be the most rigorous and comprehensive attempt in U.S. Soccer history to identify those clubs that have demonstrated a commitment to creating the kind of infrastructure and culture necessary to provide the best overall environment for players and parents,” US Club Soccer CEO Kevin Payne said.

In addition to this nationally recognized stamp of approval, these clubs also receive more access and exclusive benefits from Players First partners and resources, numerous features on US Club Soccer digital and social channels, among others.

All licensed clubs also have access to the annual Players First Summit – an educational and collaborative experience exclusively for Players First-licensed clubs. The inaugural event was held in December 2019 in Miami Lakes, Florida. US Club Soccer is currently planning the second annual Players First Summit, to be hosted virtually in early December, and available exclusively to licensed clubs.

Details about the licensing process can be found on this web page, including the terms and eligibility information. These 10 new clubs enjoy Players First licensing status until Oct. 31, 2022, at which time there will be a renewal opportunity. Club applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, and approved clubs are announced quarterly. Clubs that apply but do not meet the standards and requirements outlined in the application all receive a detailed letter explaining any deficiencies with suggestions and resources to correct those.

The application includes seven sections, in which clubs must demonstrate their commitment to the Players First pillars:

  1. Club and Applicant Information
  2. Club Leadership Expertise and Development
  3. Staff Education and Development
  4. Player Health and Safety
  5. Training and Competition Structure
  6. Staffing Structure
  7. Parent Education and Engagement

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