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College Recruiting Aug 31, 2016

NCAA Women’s Soccer Commitment Announcements: August 2016


The NCAA Soccer Commitment Tracker is presented by the Jefferson Cup, one of the nation’s top college showcase tournaments.

The following players have reported their NCAA women’s soccer commitments for the recruiting classes of 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 during the month of August 2016.

+Report a college commitment

NCAA Women’s Soccer Commitment Tracker
Class of 2016 | Class of 2017 | Class of 2018 | Class of 2019

NCAA Women’s Commitment Announcements
2016: April | May | June | July

Class of 2016

slammers-fcchaminade-universityKirstin Wong – Defender
Youth Club: Slammers FC (CA)
Commitment: Chaminade

Vancouver Whitecapsprinceton-universityOlivia Sheppard – Defender
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Princeton

World Class FC logoWellesley AthleticsKrista Dong – Defender
Youth Club: World Class FC (NY)
Commitment: Wellesley

Class of 2017

pwsi-logo2014GMU-logoMagdalena Bellinger – Defender
Youth Club: Prince William Courage (VA)
Commitment: George Mason

three-riverseastern-washingtonKelsee Winston – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Three Rivers SC (WA)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

three-riverseastern-washingtonEmma Schutt – Defender
Youth Club: Three Rivers SC (WA)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

eastern-washingtonslammers-fcBrittany Wiehe – Defender
Youth Club: Slammers FC (CA)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

eastern-washingtonthree-rivers McKaley Goffard – Forward
Youth Club: Three Rivers SC (WA)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

eastern-washingtonCrossfireUnited-logoNia McFerrin – Defender
Youth Club: Crossfire United (OR)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

eastern-washingtonthree-rivers Taylor Matheny – Forward
Youth Club: Three Rivers SC (WA)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

eastern-washingtonfc-nova-idahoBrittany Delridge – Midfielder
Youth Club: FC Nova Boise (ID)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

westminster-afceast-tennessee-stateMaegan Sours – Forward
Youth Club: Westminster AFC (CO)
Commitment: East Tennessee State

dfeeters-scuniversity-of-san-diegoEmma Bonin – Midfielder
Youth Club: D’Feeters SC (TX)
Commitment: San Diego

HeatFC-NVvmi logoAmber Risheg – Midfielder
Youth Club: Heat FC (NV)
Commitment: Virginia Military Institute

three-riverseastern-oregonKendall Pope – Midfielder
Youth Club: Three Rivers SC (WA)
Commitment: Eastern Oregon

crossfire-premiereastern-washingtonSariah Keister – Forward
Youth Club: Crossfire Premier (WA)
Commitment: Eastern Washington

beach-fc-newbrown-universityCameron Brown – Midfielder
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: Brown

eagles-scHawaii_Warriors_Logo.svgSadie Lutz – Defender
Youth Club: Eagles SC (CA)
Commitment: Hawaii

Boston Breakers logo.stony-brook-universityMichaela Goglia – Forward
Youth Club: Boston Breakers Academy (MA)
Commitment: Stony Brook

cedar-valley-soccer-clubnorthern-iowaJohnnie Hill – Forward
Youth Club: Cedar Valley Select (IA)
Commitment: Northern Iowa

campton-unitedsouthern-indianaAshley Hayes – Midfielder
Youth Club: Campton United SC (IL)
Commitment: Southern Indiana

keystone-athleticlafayette-collegeKrista Kissell – Forward
Youth Club: Keystone Athletic (PA)
Commitment: Lafayette

Chantilly-SC-logoflorida-techSophia Economon – Defender
Youth Club: Chantilly SC (VA)
Commitment: Florida Tech

beach-fc-newbrown-universityStar White – Forward
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: Brown

pdaumbcChristina Corbi – Forward
Youth Club: PDA (NJ)
Commitment: UMBC

beach-fc-newmary-washingtonErica Ganthner – Forward
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: Mary Washington

real_so_calcal-state-northridgeChloe Edwards – Defender
Youth Club: Real So Cal (CA)
Commitment: Cal State Northridge

beach-fc-newlongwood-university-lancersKailan Sizemore – Midfielder
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: Longwood

beach-fc-newferrum-collegeAlexzondra Mattson – Midfielder
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: Ferrum

RushSocceriowa-hawkeyesRiley Whitaker – Defender
Youth Club: Iowa Rush (IA)
Commitment: Iowa

beach-fc-newst-johns-red-stormAlyse Stukey – Midfielder
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: St. John’s

wisconsin-stevens-pointrapids-kickers-22Gracie Wendels – Midfielder
Youth Club: Wisconsin Rapids (WI)
Commitment: Wisconsin – Stevens Point

LauderhillSC-FL-logoSouth-Florida-BullsRicquelle Farquharson – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Lauderhill Lions (FL)
Commitment: South Florida

brown-universitypuerto-rico-nationalsMaria Guerrero – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Puerto Rico Youth National Team
Commitment: Brown

Vancouver Whitecapsbelmont-bruins Abby Hunt – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Belmont

Vancouver Whitecapskent-stateFaith O’Neill – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Kent State

Vancouver Whitecapswashington-stateShanya Dhindsa – Forward
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Washington State

VYS logoyork-collegeMolly Cripe – Midfielder
Youth Club: Vienna Youth Soccer (VA)
Commitment: York

Loudoun_Soccer_logo_new 433x500Leah Deutsch – Defender
Youth Club: Loudoun Soccer (VA)
Commitment: College of Charleston

Alyssa Blankenship – Midfielder
Youth Club: Classics Elite (TX)
Commitment: UT San Antonio

beach-fc-newmary-washingtonErica Ganthner – Forward
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: Mary Washington

NVSC-VA-logoradfordSandra Brackett – Defender
Youth Club: Northern Virginia SC (VA)
Commitment: Radford

BeachFC-CA-logolong-beach-stateSarah Pilster – Defender
Youth Club: Beach Futbol Academy (CA)
Commitment: Long Beach State

ALBIONSCGabby Hurtado – Midfielder
Youth Club: Albion (CA)
Commitment: San Jose State

SLSG-logosaint-louis-newAnnabelle Copeland – Forward
Youth Club: St. Louis Scott Gallagher (MO)
Commitment: Saint Louis

sda-logo2binghampton-universityOlivia Price – Midfielder
Youth Club: Syracuse Development Academy (NY)
Commitment: Binghamton

SAC logoradfordLillian McLane – Midfielder
Youth Club: SAC (MD)
Commitment: Radford

yms-logodrexel_dragonsMaggie Daeche – Defender
Youth Club: Yardley Makefield Soccer (PA)
Commitment: Drexel

sda-logo2Siena-collegeJayanna Monds – Forward
Youth Club: Syracuse Development Academy (NY)
Commitment: Siena

Image result for laforza sc soccer logoLogoAbigail Quesnelle – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Laforza SC (MI)
Commitment: South Carolina – Aiken

real_so_calImage result for arcadia university athleticsJulianne Oswald – Defender
Youth Club: Real So Cal (CA)
Commitment: Arcadia

Vancouver Whitecapsrice-universityAshley Burgess – Midfielder
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Rice

Kings-Hammer-logohigh-point-universityJess De Jesus – Forward
Youth Club: Kings Hammer Academy (OH)
Commitment: High Point

rice-universityFC Dallas logoTrinity King – Defender
Youth Club: FC Dallas (TX)
Commitment: Rice

TSCHurricane-logoImage result for oral roberts athleticsPamela Caballeros – Midfielder
Youth Club: TSC Hurricane (OK)
Commitment: Oral Roberts

Class of 2018

WestFloridaFlames-logoSouth-Florida-BullsCamryn Lizardi – Defender
Youth Club: West Florida Flames
Commitment: South Florida

sc-del-solfort-lewisSkylar Byrnes – Forward
Youth Club: SC Del Sol (AZ)
Commitment: Fort Lewis

PennFusion-logoboston-universityMorgan Messner – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Penn Fusion SA (PA)
Commitment: Boston University

pdarutgers-scarlet-knightsMeagan McClelland – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: PDA (NJ)
Commitment: Rutgers

BeachFC-CA-logouc-santa-barbaraJillian Arriola – Defender
Youth Club: Beach FC Academy (CA)
Commitment: UC Santa Barbara

casl-logo-new east-carolina-piratesAddi Salz – Defender
Youth Club: CASL (NC)
Commitment: East Carolina

elite-girls-academy-NEsouth-dakota-stateCece Limongi – Forward
Youth Club: Elite Girls Academy (NE)
Commitment: South Dakota State

ColoradoStorm-CO-logonew-mexico-lobos-newAlesia Garcia – Forward
Youth Club: Colorado Storm (CO)
Commitment: New Mexico

OP-ohiopremier-NEWlogooduRyann Harris – Midfielder
Youth Club: Ohio Premier (OH)
Commitment: Old Dominion

orlando city sccentral-floridaDarya Rajaee – Midfielder
Youth Club: Orlando City YSC (FL)
Commitment: Central Florida

ChallegeSC-logoMegan Reilly – Midfielderoklahoma-sooners
Youth Club: Challenge SC (TX)
Commitment: Oklahoma

casl-logo-newclemson-logoGrace Wagner – Midfielder
Youth Club: CASL (NC)
Commitment: Clemson

ColoradoStorm-CO-logocolorado-state-universitySamantha Studt – Midfielder
Youth Club: Colorado Storm (CO)
Commitment: Colorado State

solarsc-tx-logonorth-texas-universityKassey Peralta – Defender
Youth Club: Solar Chelsea SC (TX)
Commitment: North Texas

real_so_calCalRyan Verhoeven – Midfielder
Youth Club: Real So Cal (CA)
Commitment: California

WestFloridaFlames-logoflorida-internationalShannon Greenwood – Forward
Youth Club: West Florida Flames (FL)
Commitment: Florida International

RealColorado-LogoNotre-Dame-Fighting-IrishJade Gosar – Defender
Youth Club: Real Colorado (CO)
Commitment: Notre Dame

Notre-Dame-Fighting-Irishlagrange-soccer-clubMolly Feighan – Forward
Youth Club: Lagrange SC (NY)
Commitment: Notre Dame

WestFloridaFlames-logocentral-floridaCaroline Delisle – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: West Florida Flames (FL)
Commitment: Central Florida

RushSoccernorthern-iowaAnna Forsyth – Defender
Youth Club: Iowa Rush (IA)
Commitment: Northern Iowa

Calreal_so_calAshley Sapon – Forward
Youth Club: Real So Cal (CA)
Commitment: California

fc-pennsylvaniast-johns-red-stormSierra Granata – Defender
Youth Club: FC Pennsylvania (PA)
Commitment: St. John’s

bethesda_soccer_club_634761831182458720vmi logoEmma Ober – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Bethesda SC (MD)
Commitment: Virginia Military Institute

Cedar Stars Academyuc-davisMargot Ridgeway – Defender
Youth Club: Cedar Stars Academy (NJ)
Commitment: UC Davis

fc-stars-of-mass-newdartmouth_big_greenMadeline Mills – Midfielder
Youth Club: FC Stars of Mass (MA)
Commitment: Dartmouth

beach-fc-newArmy-west-point-logoIsabelle Fontana – Midfielder
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: Army

AztecSoccer-MA-logo7421_umass_lowell__river_hawks-secondary-2005Emily Nelson – Midfielder
Youth Club: Aztec Soccer (MA)
Commitment: UMass Lowell

Vancouver WhitecapsIllinois-logoAshley Cathro – Midfielder
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Illinois

Vancouver Whitecapsyale-universitySaje Brar – Forward
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Yale

Vancouver Whitecapskansas-jayhawksKaela Hansen – Midfielder
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Kansas

Vancouver Whitecapslsu-tigersReese Moffatt – Defender
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: LSU

Vancouver Whitecapstexas-longhornsJulia Grosso – Defender
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Texas

OP-ohiopremier-NEWlogoohio-university Chantel Carranza – Forward
Youth Club: Ohio Premier (OH)
Commitment: Ohio University

utah-celtic-fcutah-valley-universityKatie Haskins – Defender
Youth Club: Utah Celtic FC (UT)
Commitment: Utah Valley

Vancouver Whitecapsrice-universityAshley Burgess – Midfielder
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Rice

Vancouver Whitecapstexas-longhornsEmma Regan – Defender
Youth Club: Vancouver Whitecaps FC (CND)
Commitment: Texas

stingsccreightonLibby Rumbelow – Defender
Youth Club: Dallas Sting (TX)
Commitment: Creighton

ColoradoStorm-CO-logoair-force-newKeelyn Osoba – Defender
Youth Club: Colorado Storm (CO)
Commitment: Air Force

albany-alleycatsSiena-collegeCarolyn Krohn – Forward
Youth Club: Alleycats SC (NY)
Commitment: Siena

real_so_calloyola-marymountJordan Robinson – Defender
Youth Club: Real So Cal (CA)
Commitment: Loyola Marymount

Beadling-logowest-virginia-universityMackenzie Aunkstm – Midfielder
Youth Club: Beadling SC (PA)
Commitment: West Virginia

casl-logo-neweast-carolina-piratesHayleigh Pack – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: CASL (NC)
Commitment: East Carolina

SLSG-logosaint-louis-newIsabel Burke – Defender
Youth Club: St. Louis Scott Gallagher (MO)
Commitment: Saint Louis

burlington-yscArkansas-RazorbacksJaia Riggan – Forward
Youth Club: Burlington YSC (CND)
Commitment: Arkansas

NJ-Stallions-Academyrutgers-scarlet-knightsHayley Baer – Midfielder
Youth Club: NJ Stallions (NJ)
Commitment: Rutgers

MinnissotaAcademy-MN-logobutler-universityLeah Goehring – Defender
Youth Club: Minnesota Thunder Academy (MN)
Commitment: Butler

Dallas Texans logoMaya Warrior – Defender
Youth Club: Dallas Texans (TX)
Commitment: UTEP

Richmond United bar logovirginia techKiersten Hening – Midfielder
Youth Club: Richmond United (VA)
Commitment: Virginia Tech

pdamiamiKara Borden – Forward
Youth Club: PDA (NJ)
Commitment: Miami

rice-universitySLSG-logoDelaney Schultz – Midfielder
Youth Club: St. Louis Scott Gallagher (MO)
Commitment: Rice

MapleBrook-SA-logominnesotaU-logoAna Aguado – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Maplebrook SA (MN)
Commitment: Minnesota

Image result for omaha fc soccerImage result for nebraska omaha athleticsLeslie Ramos – Defender
Youth Club: Omaha FC (NE)
Commitment: Nebraska – Omaha

ASA Crest Starthigh-point-universityMegan Baker – Forward
Youth Club: Arundel SA (MD)
Commitment: High Point

ArizonaArsenal-AZ-logofort-lewisSkylar Byrnes – Forward
Youth Club: Arizona Arsenal (AZ)
Commitment: Fort Lewis

New Jersey Wildcatsseton-hall-piratesDayVonna Gill – Defender
Youth Club: NJ Wildcats (NJ)
Commitment: Seton Hall

casl-logo-newImage result for charleston southern athleticsAnna Shaye Thompson – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: CASL (NC)
Commitment: Charleston Southern

bethesda_soccer_club_logoduquesneJane Romer – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Bethesda SC (MD)
Commitment: Duquesne

fcvirginiatennessee-utEmma Dize – Defender
Youth Club: FC Virginia (VA)
Commitment: Tennessee

McLean_VA_badge--18782876nc-state-logoMelissa Hoffheins – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: McLean Youth Soccer (VA)
Commitment: North Carolina State

CUP-LogotoledoAdrianna Brewer – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Cincinnati United Premier (OH)
Commitment: Toledo

dfeeters-scFGCU_EaglesStephanie Starr – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: D’Feeters SC (TX)
Commitment: Florida Gulf Coast

TennesseeSChigh-point-universityKatherine Tyner – Midfielder
Youth Club: Tennessee SC (TN)
Commitment: High Point

RushSoccerstony-brook-universitySpencer Wirkkala – Defender
Youth Club: Washington Rush (WA)
Commitment: Stony Brook

stingsccreightonLibby Rumbelow – Defender
Youth Club: Dallas Sting (TX)
Commitment: Creighton

OP-ohiopremier-NEWlogoohio-universityLindsey Townsend – Midfielder
Youth Club: Ohio Premier SC (OH)
Commitment: Ohio

Class of 2019

Boston Breakers logo.rhode-island-universityZoe Chazan – Defender
Youth Club: NEFC / Breakers Academy (MA)
Commitment: Rhode Island

Dallas Texans logoDouble T_4CHaley Smith – Midfielder
Youth Club: Dallas Texans (TX)
Commitment: Texas Tech

solarsc-tx-logotexas-longhornsGabby Missimo – Midfielder
Youth Club: Solar Chelsea SC (TX)
Commitment: Texas

FC Dallas logooklahoma-soonersHailey Davidson – Forward
Youth Club: FC Dallas Youth (TX)
Commitment: Oklahoma

davis-legacystanfordMaya Doms – Midfielder
Youth Club: Davis Legacy SC (CA)
Commitment: Stanford

CUP-Logoxavier-new-logoOlivia Scheper – Midfielder
Youth Club: Cincinnati United Premier (OH)
Commitment: Xavier

RushSocceriowa-stateAllie Wyckoff – Defender
Youth Club: Iowa Rush (IA)
Commitment: Iowa State

RushSocceriowa-stateOlivia Wee – Defender
Youth Club: Iowa Rush (IA)
Commitment: Iowa State

AztecSoccer-MA-logo7421_umass_lowell__river_hawks-secondary-2005 Marrisa Orlando – Forward
Youth Club: Aztec Soccer (MA)
Commitment: UMass Lowell

stanforddavis-legacyPaige Rubinstein – Midfielder
Youth Club: Davis Legacy (CA)
Commitment: Stanford

tophat-logogators logoCameron Hall – Midfielder
Youth Club: Tophat SC (GA)
Commitment: Florida

san-diego-surfloyola-marymountAmber McCorkle – Midfielder
Youth Club: San Diego Surf (CA)
Commitment: Loyola Marymount

oklahoma-soonersCarsyn Smittle – Forward
Youth Club: Oklahoma FC (OK)
Commitment: Oklahoma

Boston Breakers logo.boston_college_eaglesZoie Allen – Midfielder
Youth Club: Boston Breakers Academy (MA)
Commitment: Boston College

CUP-Logoohio-state-osuAliyah El-Naggar – Defender
Youth Club: Cincinnati United Premier (OH)
Commitment: Ohio State

Connecticut FC logoboston_college_eaglesAllie Augur – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Connecticut FC United (CT)
Commitment: Boston College

HeatFC-NVusc-southern-californiaJaelyn Eisenhart – Midfielder
Youth Club: Heat FC (NV)
Commitment: USC

san-diego-surfUCLA_Bruins_LogoKali Trevithick – Midfielder
Youth Club: San Diego Surf (CA)
Commitment: UCLA

San-Juan-SCcolorado-uAurrora Yarnell-Williams – Forward
Youth Club: San Juan Spirits (CA)
Commitment: Colorado

fc-stars-of-mass-newrhode-island-universityAllison Mogauro – Defender
Youth Club: FC Stars of Mass (MA)
Commitment: Rhode Island

Featured Players

See Commitment List