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Golden Goal Sports Park announces partnership with Seattle Sport Sciences

(Via Golden Goal) – Golden Goal Sports Park, Lake George NY has announced a new partnership with Seattle Sport Sciences.

The agreement will see the Redmond, WA, company provide Golden Goal with access to their SideKick soccer machine, a soccer ball launcher with the unique ability to serve balls at a variety of speeds, angles, velocities, and with different levels of spin. The SideKick soccer machine is used by national teams, professional teams, and academies worldwide.

Due to the versatility of the machine, coaches, field players, and goalkeepers have endless methods of drills at practice. Common uses of the machine include, but are not limited to, attacking and defending crosses, first- and second-touch shots on goal, first-touch distribution, defensive clearance, defending through balls, and shot stopping and body mechanics for goalkeepers.

At Golden Goal, the SideKick soccer machine will be made available to all teams attending the park to enhance their curriculums adding a new element to the Golden Goal experience.

“Golden Goal is an exceptional facility that attracts highly-skilled talent at the professional, college, high school, and academy levels. We are very impressed with their professionalism and feel that having our product at their facility is an excellent way of showcasing it,” said Jeff Vogt, Director of Sales at Seattle Sport Sciences.

“Having The SideKick soccer technology at Golden Goal reiterates our mission to bring in the best in class, most innovative products into the facility. I imagine it will be incredibly popular with goalkeeper trainers as it provides them with the ability to serve consistant balls at a variety of speeds, heights, angles and spin, that simulate game situations,” said Mark Shearer, of Golden Goal.

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