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College Recruiting Nov 22, 2016

NCAA Women’s Soccer Commitment Announcements: November 2016


The NCAA Soccer Commitment Tracker is presented by the Jefferson Cup, one of the nation’s top college showcase tournaments.

The following players have reported their NCAA women’s soccer commitments for the recruiting classes of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 during the month of November 2016.

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NCAA Women’s Soccer Commitment Tracker
Class of 2016 | Class of 2017 | Class of 2018 | Class of 2019

NCAA Women’s Commitment Announcements
April | May | June | July | August | September | October

Class of 2017

lou-fusz-scEmma Garner – Defender
Youth Club: Lou Fusz SC (IL)
Commitment: Southwest Baptist

coastal_carolina_chanticleersEva Knapstein – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Vestavia Hills SC (AL)
Commitment: Coastal Carolina

eastside fcupenn-logoEllie Bryant – Midfielder
Youth Club: Eastside FC (WA)
Commitment: Pennsylvania

Loudoun_Soccer_logo_new 433x500seton-hall-piratesAtley Fortney – Forward
Youth Club: Loudoun SC (VA)
Commitment: Seton Hall

Erica Myers – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Metro Toledo FC (OH)
Commitment: Tennessee at Martin

1-scs-unitedEmily Grabb – Defender
Youth Club: SCS United (PA)
Commitment: Clarion

Bmore BaysJordan Nichols – Midfielder
Youth Club: Baltimore Bays SC (MD)
Commitment: New Haven

GeorgeWashingtonColonialsKenzie Kilgallen – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: NASA Tophat Soccer (GA)
Commitment: George Washington

rush_logo1-1Daria Bakhtiari – Midfielder
Youth Club: New England Rush (MA)
Commitment: Brandeis

riverhounds-development-academy-newpitt-panthersAlexis Bengel – Midfielder
Youth Club: Pittsburgh Riverhounds Academy (PA)
Commitment: Pittsburgh

rush_logo1-1Kara Brownlie – Midfielder
Youth Club: Pennsylvania Rush (PA)
Commitment: Cedar Crest

Albertson SCErica Bulzomi – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Albertson SC (NY)
Commitment: Goucher

ohio-elite-sakentuckyAbigail Zoeller – Midfielder
Youth Club: Ohio Elite SC (OH)
Commitment: Kentucky

slammers-fcdenver-universityMaya Roston – Midfielder
Youth Club: Slammers FC (CA)
Commitment: Denver

fcvirginiaMaggie Moorcones – Midfielder
Youth Club: FC Virginia (VA)
Commitment: Catholic

Karissa Paglione – Midfielder
Youth Club: SJEB Rush (NJ)
Commitment: Stevenson

Space Coast Unitedlsu-tigersAlex Vandegrift – Forward
Youth Club: Space Coast United (FL)
Commitment: LSU

rush_logo1-1Alexandria Wentworth – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Lansing Rush (MI)
Commitment: Alma

Albertson SCumass-amherstFatou Barry – Forward
Youth Club: Albertson SC (NY)
Commitment: UMass Amherst

Class of 2018

BirminghamUnited-logomiddle-tennesseeKatie Thomas – Midfielder
Youth Club: Birmingham United SA (AL)
Commitment: Middle Tennessee State

campton-unitedLauren Albrecht – Midfielder
Youth Club: Campton United (IL)
Commitment: Miami of Ohio

real_so_calsanta-clara-universityBrittany Pollard – Defender
Youth Club: Real So Cal (CA)
Commitment: Santa Clara

challenge-scTeia Haynes – Defender
Youth Club: Challenge SC (TX)
Commitment: Stephen F Austin

LasVegasPremierSA-NVunlvEmberly Sevilla – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Las Vegas Premier (NV)
Commitment: UNLV

AtlantaFirelogouniversity-of-georgiaEmory Wegener – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Atlanta Fire United (GA)
Commitment: Georgia

pwsi-logo2014VCU-Rams-logoAileen “Beanie” Guthrie – Forward
Youth Club: Prince William Courage (VA)
Commitment: VCU

pdaFGCU_EaglesBri Urbanski – Defender
Youth Club: PDA (NJ)
Commitment: Florida Gulf Coast

trianglefcmarshall-logo-250Emery Biggs – Midfielder
Youth Club: Triangle FC Alliance (NC)
Commitment: Marshall

beach-fc-newjmuMadeline Arndt – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Beach FC (VA)
Commitment: James Madison

Sporting Santa Clarawake-forest-newOryann Addison – Midfielder
Youth Club: Santa Clara Sporting (CA)
Commitment: Wake Forest

pdaKayla Lee – Midfielder
Youth Club: PDA (NJ)
Commitment: Columbia

Oakwood SCbrown-universityLauren Hinton – Defender
Youth Club: Oakwood SC (CT)
Commitment: Brown

Match FitGeorgetown-HoyasDevon Lis – Midfielder
Youth Club: Match Fit Academy FC (NJ)
Commitment: Georgetown

rhode-island-universityWNY Flash logoAnna Ecklund – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: WNY Flash Academy (NY)
Commitment: Rhode Island

CUP-LogoLouisville-CardinalsTaylor Nuncio – Midfielder
Youth Club: Cincinnati United Premier (OH)
Commitment: Louisville

Class of 2019

casl-logo-newsouth-carolina-gamecocksAbby Hugo – Defender
Youth Club: CASL (NC)
Commitment: South Carolina

solarsc-tx-logoBaylor_logoMarissa Gray – Defender
Youth Club: Solar Chelsea SC (TX)
Commitment: Baylor

fc-bostonbrown-universityBrittany Raphino – Forward
Youth Club: FC Boston (MA)
Commitment: Brown

Notre-Dame-Fighting-IrishKalyssa Van Zanten – Forward
Youth Club: Chicago Magic (IL)
Commitment: Notre Dame

mustang-scCalAngie Anderson – Goalkeeper
Youth Club: Mustang SC (CA)
Commitment: California

1-sta-soccerSyracuse-OrangeGianna Villoresi – Forward
Youth Club: STA Soccer (NJ)
Commitment: Syracuse

arsenal-fc-californialong-beach-stateAmanda Meichtry – Defender
Youth Club: Arsenal FC (CA)
Commitment: Long Beach State

slammers-fcuniversity-of-san-diegoMalia Walencewicz – Midfielder
Youth Club: Slammers FC (CA)
Commitment: San Diego

Class of 2020

Richmond United bar logopenn-state-logoJordan Canniff – Forward
Youth Club: Richmond United (VA)
Commitment: Penn State

crossfire-premieruniversity of washingtonKatie O’Kane – Forward
Youth Club: Crossfire Premier (WA)
Commitment: Washington

Featured Players

See Commitment List