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Boys Nov 09, 2016

Salt Lake City, Utah to host US Youth Soccer Region IV Presidents Cup

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FRISCO, Texas (Via US Youth Soccer) – US Youth Soccer has announced that Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Utah Youth Soccer Association will host the 2017 US Youth Soccer Region IV (West) Presidents Cup, June 12-18 at the Salt Lake City Regional Athletic Complex.

“Each year we begin the US Youth Soccer Presidents Cup competition by selecting the hosting sites for each level of this competition, which has quickly become one of US Youth Soccer’s most popular programs,” US Youth Soccer Chair Jesse Harrell said. “The competition between potential sites to provide the best possible experience for the players, teams and fans becomes fiercer each year. We excitedly look forward to the final awarding of the four regional locations along with the site for the US Youth Soccer National Presidents Cup.”

+Read: Auburndale, Fla. to host 2017 US Youth Soccer National Presidents Cup

The event will feature approximately 120 Boys and Girls teams in the 13-U through 17/18-U age groups competing for a Regional title and a berth to the 2017 US Youth Soccer National Presidents Cup. Round robin matches take place June 13-15 followed by quarterfinals on June 16 and semifinals on June 17. Regional champions are crowned following finals on June 18.

“We are excited to once again welcome the Region IV Presidents Cup to Utah,” said Andrew Hiatt, CEO for Utah Youth Soccer Association. “We look forward to working with US Youth Soccer, and all of our regional teams, to make the 2017 Region IV Presidents Cup a success.”

Each US Youth Soccer State Association determines the path through which its state teams advance to the regional competitions. Regional winners of the 13-U through 17/18-U Boys and Girls age groups will earn a berth to the 2017 US Youth Soccer National Presidents Cup, July 12-16 in Auburndale, Fla.

US Youth Soccer Region IV (West) Presidents Cup | Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake City Regional Athletic Complex
June 12-18, 2017

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